مرحبا بكم في جمعية حماية البيئة من التلوث
تبرعك للجمعية سوف يساعدها على الاستمرار في تقديم الخدمات التعليمية والصحية وزيادة دخل الأسرة وتمكين السيدات
Thank you for your generous donation Regulations and Conditions: 1. Donations are collected according to license for money collection no. 210 dated 2022 during the period from 1/9/2022 to 31/8/2023 through various channels: APE website (www.ape-eg.org) for the purpose of supporting the educational and health activities at APE. 2. The donors’ information is not shared with anyone. In general, the donation is not refundable except in cases to be mentioned later. 3. The donation is documented through the receipt that is issued from the donor’s bank account. 4. The electronic donation can be either in local or foreign currency, taking into consideration that bank fees will be deducted from the foreign currency donation to transfer it into the local currency. All donations are given to their recipients and are not refundable except in the following cases: 1. If the donor donated the money by error electronically. 2. If the amount donated was incorrect or the donation was not for APE. • In case the donor wants to refund the donation he should contact by email (info@ape.org.eg /info@ape-eg.org ) as soon as possible maximum within a week from the date of offering the donation. • In case of a donation refund APE considers the possibility of a refund after making sure of the personality of the donor, the amount of the donation and the reason for refund. APE finds the appropriate way(cash or bank transfer) within 30 days of receipt of the information requested deducting bank transfers or fees from the donation amount. • Please note that refund of any donation requires from 30 to 45 working days after receiving the notification for refund so that the amount reaches the donor’s bank account.
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